Twin Falls Area Chamber of Commerce
The 2024 Legislative Session has started and our Public Policy Committee will begin meeting again on January 26. Each Friday at 7am, the committee will meet at the Visitor Center conference room and online via Microsoft Teams. Legislators from districts 24, 25, and 26 will join us and provide updates on their committee work and the major issues being considered at the state house. The Legislature is considering many critical issues this session that will impact employers. Advocating for local employers is a key part of the mission of the Chamber and all members are invited to participate. You can ask questions, voice your opinion or just listen and stay informed. Meeting and log in information at Kyle@twinfallschamber.com.
The Twin Falls Area Chamber of Commerce Public Policy Committee along with Chamber staff will be tracking activities at the Statehouse as Legislators begin their work. The Chamber provides a voice, vision, and focused leadership to our nearly 800 member businesses and organizations to enhance the economic vitality and quality of place in our community. We appreciate the service from our elected legislators and look forward to ongoing communication with them during the session to track and influence issues of importance to our business community.
The Twin Falls Area Chamber of Commerce is also a member of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the world’s largest business organization. The U.S. Chamber advocates, connects, informs, and fights for business growth and America’s success.
The Twin Falls Area Chamber of Commerce is actively involved with the Idaho Chamber Alliance, a partnership of more than 20 Chambers of Commerce around the State of Idaho representing more than 12,000 individual businesses.
Each year, the ICA hosts “Chamber Days at the Legislature” to promote issues of broad importance to business in Idaho. Chamber Days 2024 is tentatively scheduled for February 5-6 in Boise. Anticipated presentations include a breakfast with Governor Brad Little, a luncheon with Idaho Legislators with a keynote address, and breakout sessions highlighting issues around education, transportation, tax policy, economic development and more.
For media inquiries or further information, please contact:
Kathleen Hite